Studied five years in Ponivech Yeshiva, Bnai Brak; seven years in Yeshiva Torah Vodaath, Brooklyn, New York; eleven years privately with Rabbi Yisrael Yitchak Piekarsky Zt”l [תלמיד מובהק of the Rav of Koz’iglov, Rav in Queens, New York and Rosh Yeshiva of the central Yeshiva of Chabad in New York all the years that the Lubavitcher Rebbe was Rebbe].
Ordained to be a Rabbi, and then a Rabbinical Judge by Rabbi Yisrael Yitchak Piekarsky Zt”l.
Apprenticed by Rabbi Piekarsky eight years, answered all שאלות, lectured, examined potential Rabbis, and served as Rabbinical judge in monetary disputes, matrimonial disputes, divorces and חליצות.
42 years in the rabbinate, answered שאלות in 4 parts of Shulchan Aruch; supervised שחיטות and Kashruth; Rabbinical Judge in three New York Rabbinical courts; served as an arbitrator in Rabbinical arbitrations in excess of 4,000 files; arranged over 900 גיטין; settled over 1,200 matrimonial disputes; served as a Rabbinical Judge in three חליצות. Prepared hundreds of contracts, agreements and wills. Written תשובות and numerous ספרים of חידושי תורה named יפה מראה.
Fluent in Yiddish, Hebrew and English.
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